A movement to support the
evolution of consciousness in the startup ecosystem

Evolution is pushing humanity to grow out of its old nature of selfishness, greed, 'growth for a few', and grow towards a future of self-giving, desireless works, 'growth for all'.  Supermorpheus is an ecosystem that supports & nurtures evolutionary startups, those aspiring to embody the evolutionary qualities, while continuing to be extremely innovative, agile, and financially valuable.

Evolution is pushing humanity to grow out of its old nature of selfishness, greed, 'growth for a few', and grow towards a future of self-giving, desireless works, 'growth for all'.  Supermorpheus is an ecosystem that supports & nurtures evolutionary startups, those aspiring to embody the evolutionary qualities, while continuing to be extremely innovative, agile, and financially valuable.

What are Evolutionary Startups?

Startups that create a special environment for its team, its customers and other stakeholders. The environment that values - excellence & perfection, beauty & harmony, innovation & intuition, openness & collaboration; trust, fulfilment, gratitude, delight, simplicity, and intensity. Everything in this environment brings out the finest human qualities.

Evolutionary startups will create wealth, value and growth for all stakeholders over time.

Startups that create a special environment for its team, its customers and other stakeholders. The environment that values - excellence & perfection, beauty & harmony, innovation & intuition, openness & collaboration; trust, fulfilment, gratitude, delight, simplicity, and intensity. Everything in this environment brings out the finest human qualities.

Evolutionary startups will create wealth, value and growth for all stakeholders over time.

A new startup revolution is brewing across the world. Are you a part of it?

Sameer Guglani

Conscious Capital allocation is the smartest way to change the world

Arvind Ghosh

Our Approach

Build a community of forerunners who are called to the idea of evolutionary startups

All aspects of Supermorpheus are driven by active community participation, enabled by a culture of trust, care, openness to learn, and willingness to give. Twenty committed individuals ignited the fire which lead to the formation of community. As the vibrations began spreading, more people reached out and joined us. Currently, we are 900+ members, each of whom gets on-boarded through a process of careful curation and self-selection.

All aspects of Supermorpheus are driven by active community participation, enabled by a culture of trust, care, openness to learn, and willingness to give. Twenty committed individuals ignited the fire which lead to the formation of community. As the vibrations began spreading, more people reached out and joined us. Currently, we are 900+ members, each of whom gets on-boarded through a process of careful curation and self-selection.

Qualities & Principles

Growth & Progress

These are two integral qualities of an evolutionary work culture. An evolutionary startup enables integral growth and progress, in its field of work and for all its stakeholders.

Intuition & Innovation

Intuition is a higher order intelligence that does not work through linear-logical steps but as non-linear intuitive leaps. Culture of an evolutionary startup thrives on these intuitive leaps and is designed to select for and nurture, the working of intuition leading to true innovation.


Openness to evolve and grow all aspects of the startup. Starting from its DNA, the core principles, processes and down to the most minute details.

Excellence & Perfection

An absolute commitment to excellence and perfection is a natural way to be, for an evolutionary startup. The striving for perfection is present in all aspects of its action.

Beauty & Harmony

The work environment, processes and culture of an evolutionary startup is an embodiment of beauty and harmony. As a natural outcome, these qualities flow into the products, services and experiences designed by the startup.

Empowerment & Respect

Evolutionary startup empowers and enables each resource to attain growth, progress and wellbeing for themselves. And thereby creating a symbiotic relationship where each is giving freely of itself, knowing fully well that they can trust to be cared for and looked after.

Our Activities

SM GangA loving community
The gang members connect, hangout, help, inspire, share pains & problems, share information, have discussions in a beautiful symbiotic way. No pre-defined structures and rules beyond basic hygiene.

Read about our community
SM Investments Evolutionary capital
We participate in high quality opportunities, as supporting co-investors. These opportunities are shared by community members. Our portfolio founders value our track record, the community & the idea of evolutionary startups.
Read more
Integral Growth Program For individuals
A cohort-based program for individuals who feel a strong calling to work on themselves. The program helps to initiate an inner journey towards finding one’s true self, to experience expansion and to integrate this growth back into their startup.
Start your inner journey

Musings from the community